Exclusive Online Privacy with Dedicated IPs

Premium privacy with your own dedicated IP. Unshared for maximum anonymity and uncompromised performance.

High Speed
Clean IPs
Wide range of locations

Buy Private Proxy now

Why XSox?

Wide Location Choice

Expand beyond borders with IPs from over 30 countries across 6 continents.

Exclusively Private IPs

Solely dedicated IPs shared with no one else. Complete confidentiality.

Blazing Fast Speeds

Lightning-quick data transfer at uncapped speeds up to 100Mbps.

Uninterrupted Uptime

Continuous 24/7 connectivity with flawless 99.9% uptime - no drops ever.

Versatile Compatibility

Universal support for any protocol - HTTP, SOCKS5 and more.

Convenience Maximized

Instant access after easy payment using your preferred method.

What are Private Proxies for?
Account Registration

Create and manage accounts on social networks, trading platforms, and any other resources.

Data Parsing

Gather information from various online services, including advertising platforms and online programs.

Online Accessibility

Check various websites for accessibility from different countries.

Behavioral Metrics Boosting

Utilize proxies for programs simulating user actions on a website for SEO promotion.

Online Anonymity

Encrypt personal data to maintain confidentiality.

Bypassing Restrictions

Access websites with limited connection counts using just one PC.


How can I buy a proxy?
Sign Up Add money in any convenient way. Check the country and number of IPs in your account. Buy chosen proxies A proxy will be given immediately and automatically. Buying a proxy will take no more than 3 minutes.
All our proxies are IPv4.
Proxies are given in format IP:port, these accesses support both protocols HTTP and SOCKS5.
Our private proxies are server proxies (datacenter)
Yes, proxy addresses are static.
For every proxy you can make no more than 30 connections.
You can add your balance through the following payment systems: BTC, ETH, LTC, USDT, Alipay, PerfectMoney and bank cards of any country.
IP replacement is possible within the first 10 minutes after purchase and in case of reasoned demands only.
Yes, we have. You can contact us on Telegram or on a site. Response time could be from 3 minutes to several hours. All your questions will be answered.
When you buy a large volume of proxies (from 50) we are ready to give you a discount. To get a discount contact our support.
You can purchase 1 hour of Mobile proxies for test. Free proxy testing isn’t allowed on Personal proxies because all IP-addresses are given to one receiver only.
You can request refund during first hour of Mobile proxy using. Refunds for Personal proxies aren't allowed because they are private.
Do you have any questions?
Feel free to reach out to our support team. We're here to assist you with pleasure.
Get our proxies
Reach your goals. Best in class proxies.